Friday, August 19, 2011

Mattie: A True Rags to Riches Story

Mattie was pulled out of Clayton County Animal Control the day she was going to be euthanized. She was from a litter of four, and her siblings had been pulled out and/or adopted, but Mattie remained unwanted. She was about 4 months old and one front leg was terribly deformed. We didn't care! We were here to save her from the horrible death that was facing her. She was so scared she had to be literally dragged out of her kennel with her tail between her legs. One of our volunteers grabbed her up in her arms and just held her. After an evaluation with an orthopedic veterinarian, we determined it was going to cost Castaways at least $3,000.00. Several fundraisers later, and with the generosity of donors, we were able to have her very deformed leg operated on. It was a great success, and Mattie can now run long and hard. She was adopted by a wonderful family and we now get videos of her in her new winter apparel and vacationing at the beach...Mattie is loved. A true rags to riches miracle!

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