Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Taffy's Training

Dogs with aggression problems are a particular issue for shelters and rescues. Aggression can be toward people, other dogs, or other animals. Some dogs display this tendency over toys or food, others due to territorialism or fear. In almost all cases, these dogs prove extremely difficult to adopt. Professional training is the best course of action but it doesn't come cheap. Many of our readers will be familiar with Taffy, a pit female who is dog aggressive. Taffy has been at the shelter way too long! She is hard to predict, accepting some dogs but not others. We have decided to seek the assistance of a professional trainer so Taffy can have a forever home as a safe and happy companion.

One trainer has offered to evaluate Taffy to determine if training will help and if so, take her for 4-6 weeks. She would be taught all basic commands, be housebroken and he will work her with other animals. While there are no guarantees, this particular trainer has had some good results. Taffy is a sweet dog and loves people! We would like to give Taffy this chance.

Recently our advisor with Best Friends Animal Society/No More Homeless pets contacted us regarding our training needs with Taffy. They have put us in touch with a qualified trainer and will financially assist us with her training, including the initial evaluation and at least 3 sessions. While this may not be enough training for her, it's a great start and we will keep everyone posted as she progresses. Thank you to Robin of Best Friends!

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