Saturday, January 12, 2013

Cat Recap for 2012

CCPR handled 274 cats during 2012, including a beginning number of 80.  146 were adopted, compared to 98 for the previous year.  We sent 40 to NJ on transport for adoption there.  As of January 1, 2013 we had 67 at the shelter.  We also have 9 in foster, two of which are in 'permanent' foster and two pre-adopted.  All in all, 2012 was a very successful year for cats at CCPR!  Of the cats adopted this year, some had been at the shelter since 2009.  Finally, they are in homes!  These include:
  • Daphne
  • Rhonda
  • Shelly
  • Smoky
  • Sweetheart
  • Sweetie Pie
  • Savannah
All of our cats that came in as moms have been adopted with the exception of Lacy, who has just finished nursing her two babies.
Let's make 2013 even better!

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