Friday, February 15, 2013

We are Here to Rescue

In the world of animal rescue, as in other fields, there are things that go on that the public does not realize. Most people think when they relinquish an animal to a rescue, shelter or humane society, that compassionate people will take and care for that animal and it will be safe until they find it a new forever home...on a beautiful farm with rolling fields of clover.

The reality usually is no such thing. Just because they are a shelter or rescue does not mean that your animal will make it out with its life. Most shelters and rescues have a board of directors that governs their intake and functions. There are few state-governing rules. Each shelter or rescue can decide which animals they will take for admission; and depending on the shelter, limit themselves to the young, pretty, and easily-adoptable.  Shelters now label themselves either “low kill” or “no kill” to make it sound better for the public...yet each term can be deceiving. Low kill means the rescue or shelter will not kill one animal to make room for another, or will only euthanize for severe injury or illness or both. No kill means they will not kill unless it’s to end suffering. However, it’s all subjective and dependent on the individual shelter and their mission. But some shelters get around this in a creative way by calling in animal control to pick up animals that do not conform to their admission criteria, therefore maintaining their no kill status.
This is not to say all rescues, shelters and humane societies are poor and inhumane. There are some that work diligently to save and rescue as many animals as possible from neglect and death—and go above and beyond to help them all. We urge you to learn how the rescues and shelters in your neighborhood really operate before ever depending upon them to find a forever home for any pet that crosses your path.
At Castaways, each and every soul is worthy of our love and compassion no matter the breed, age, or health. We are here to rescue.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Storey's Story

Storey's Story

StoreyFor three weeks a stray dog was running loose by the Dollar Store in Hiawassee GA. She was injured, needed medical attention, and to get to a safe place. People tried to help her but she was so scared she did not let anyone get near her. One of the Castaways volunteers had an idea to put up some fencing to try to corral her--it took a bit but it finally worked!! 
She was rushed to one of our vet partners where it was determined she, now named Storey, needed to have surgery ASAP to try to save her leg. Without any thought to how the bills would be paid and funds raised, Storey had emergency surgery to try to repair her broken femur. A pin was put into her leg and everyone thought all was going to be well. 
Sadly, a week later Storey had to have her leg amputated. The bone was too fragile, the pin did not hold and the decision was made to remove her leg. Storey did well during the surgery and is recovering in an experienced foster home. 
We hate to ask again, but we really could use a little help to pay Storey's bill. The bill before the amputation was $976.85, we don’t know what it will end up being, but it was worth every penny.  We appreciate any and all donations. Our Paypal address is or if you would like to use another option please check out our Razoo page. Thank you.

Monday, February 11, 2013


We are truly and utterly blessed to have a wonderful person who has donated a Kindle Fire HD 8.9 to us so we can hold a raffle to help pay some of the ENORMOUS vet bills we nave incurred recently from sick and injured new arrivals. It is not an unwanted gift and will be shipped directly from Amazon to the winner of the Kindle. The value of the Kindle Fire HD is $299.00 There will only be 1000 tickets sold to make the odds of winning higher. The winning number will be drawn by a computer program so there will not be any human involvement with choosing the winning ticket. Tickets are only $5 each....yes, only $5 so for the price of a cup of Starbucks you can help the cats and dogs in out care and have a chance to win a Kindle Fire HD 8.9 The raffle will run from 6pm EST Monday, February 11, 2013 until 6pm Monday, Feb 18, 2013. If you would like to buy ticket please paypal your ticket money to or you if prefer not to use paypal you can use your credit card via our Razoo page

Cat of the Month: Lacy

LacyMeet our Cat of the Month: Lacy is a beautiful young cat who came to us when she was abandoned along with her two 3-week old kittens.  Lacy has completed the job of raising her babies and is now in need of a good, loving and forever home.  Lacy is as sweet as it gets.  She loves people, is very affectionate, has perfect manners, is still young and playful, but is also quiet.  She is spayed and current on her vaccinations. Lacy would be perfect for any home and she will be here at the shelter waiting for you!
As our featured Pets of the Month, adoption fees are half the normal amount. However, if you don't have room for another kitty or doggie and would like to sponsor instead, please call 706-781-3992 or email for more information. You can always go to to see more of the pets at the shelter waiting for homes.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Dog of the Month: Bam Bam

Bam BamMeet our Dog of the Month: Bam Bam is a male American Bulldog/Mastiff mix. He is 5-6 years old and nearly 75 pounds. This poor boy had a life of neglect and starvation. He came in very thin, his bones showing, but that did not break his spirit. He is a happy dog and loves everyone. He is actually a big baby that thinks he can sit on your lap! He loves to play and is not rough, a large fenced yard would be ideal for outdoor time. He likes to chase a ball and is just a gentle giant. Because of his size, older children would be better with him. A nice soft comfy bed for when he is inside, he has some arthritis and hip issues. He has big brown eyes that plead for you to just give him love, attention and a forever home to spend his golden years. He is housebroken, has a nice temperament. This good boy is at the shelter, hoping for a loving warm home to spend the rest of his life!
As our featured Pets of the Month, adoption fees are half the normal amount. However, if you don't have room for another doggie and would like to sponsor instead, please call 706-781-3992 or email for more information. You can always go to to see more of the pets at the shelter waiting for homes.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Happy Tails - Tootsie

Dear Friends at Castaway Critters! 

We just wanted to let you know that we feel especially blessed this year because of you!  When you rescued Tootsie and brought her to Blairsville, little did you know how happy she would make this family!  Little did I know-- when we picked up that little skinny, crippled, aloof kitty--what a blessing she would be to us. 

Tootsie has become the King of this house.  She is the most loving, sweet kitty I have ever seen.  She has us wrapped around her finger (paws), at her every beck and call, and she also returns the attention.  She talks to us constantly.  She has become a full time lap kitty, in one of our laps all the time.  She is so smart; she opens all the closet doors to make sure that our shoes are all there (she loves shoes) and plays with them. She was excited at Christmas and got into her stocking early and took out all the toys and treats.  Then she enjoyed the day with family and wrapping paper! 

I don't know if things happen because they are meant to be, but I truly believe that she was meant for us.  She healed that loss of our very old kitty and hopefully we healed her pain.  If every person out there just took a moment to take in an animal that had no home for their forever pet, the world would be a happier place.  Having that unconditional love from an animal is all we need to reassure us that life is good and there's always hope. 

We just wanted to tell you what angels you are to these rescued animals that bring so much love back to a petless home.  So thankful to have our Tootsie Kitty!  She is truly a blessing to us and it is because of dedicated people like you!

Donna and John, Tootsie's parents

(Editors note: Tootsie is the cat that came to us with multiple broken bones and had been shot by a pellet gun.)