Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Storey's Story

Storey's Story

StoreyFor three weeks a stray dog was running loose by the Dollar Store in Hiawassee GA. She was injured, needed medical attention, and to get to a safe place. People tried to help her but she was so scared she did not let anyone get near her. One of the Castaways volunteers had an idea to put up some fencing to try to corral her--it took a bit but it finally worked!! 
She was rushed to one of our vet partners where it was determined she, now named Storey, needed to have surgery ASAP to try to save her leg. Without any thought to how the bills would be paid and funds raised, Storey had emergency surgery to try to repair her broken femur. A pin was put into her leg and everyone thought all was going to be well. 
Sadly, a week later Storey had to have her leg amputated. The bone was too fragile, the pin did not hold and the decision was made to remove her leg. Storey did well during the surgery and is recovering in an experienced foster home. 
We hate to ask again, but we really could use a little help to pay Storey's bill. The bill before the amputation was $976.85, we don’t know what it will end up being, but it was worth every penny.  We appreciate any and all donations. Our Paypal address is castawaycrittersrescue@gmail.com or if you would like to use another option please check out our Razoo page. Thank you.

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