Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy Tails: Taffy

We received an update on Taffy: Taffy and her new brother Elvis are doing great. He is getting bigger and he drives her crazy as you would expect a puppy to do. But she tolerates it and when she is done tolerating she growls or snaps and he rolls over on his back. I’ts so cute but then seconds later he is back pulling at her neck again! It will be funny to see how they are when he is 3 times her size! But for now she can push him around.

They tease Mary the goat by playing with her outside and then they run into the dog door and Mary can’t get through inside the home. It’s all just too funny. But Taffy plays with little Elvis like a dog should. She’s going back to being a dog and it’s so refreshing to see. 
Taffy is so pretty and she gets so excited when guests come over. She runs in a circle in the yard and wiggles herself in half like only pitties can do! She’s awesome!!!


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