Dear friends,
This July marks one year and three months since we adopted Gunther in April 2010.
Gunther was at first very frightened and quite skittish. Within months he blossomed into a very confident and outgoing companion. This e-mail is to update you on Gunther’s continued maturity. He brings us more love and joy than we could ever have expected.
Gunther braved the worst winter Connecticut has had in 50 years. With 6-inches of snow on the ground Gunther frolicked like a puppy. With 50+ inches of snow on the ground, he was less frolicky and more bemused at how he would manage our many walks. Well, he did just fine.
As the snow melted we continued to bring Gunther everywhere with us. The next town over from ours is a very quaint New England town with a terrific green and lovely shops on brick sidewalks along tree-lined streets. There are shoppers and people everywhere. Gunther has become the unofficial mayor of this town. Everyone knows Gunther and he is showered with affection on every walk thru town. Gunther is even welcomed into the town hall where the clerks always encourage him to enter the building for a treat.
We have made many friends with retirees that have dogs, and it is the rarest day when Gunther is not walking with his canine friends. Our walking companions get a kick out of Gunther’s habit of trying to herd the group into a nice tight unit! It must be the part Border Collie and/or Australian Sheepdog in him!
Once again, we are beyond grateful for the love you showed Gunther. You saved his life, and now, he is living the life he is so deserving of. We hope you share in our joy at seeing Gunther grow into a “fine young man!”
Very truly yours,
Salvatore & Valerie