Saturday, July 16, 2011

Buddy the Cat - An Update From His New Family

From an email we received from Tonka's (now known as Buddy) new family: I've been meaning to write to tell you how much we are enjoying our new cat. He can't wait to see us in the mornings, so happy and purring and rubbing up against us - well me more than Marlene. He hasn't started getting on the bed but he is waiting in my chair for his first brushing of the day. He's so frisky and playful in the mornings for about an hour and then he sleeps all day. He knows his name and will come to me. He likes being on the screened porch and every evening we play with a feather toy. He will sit/lay on my lap for a short time. And he still has to have some dog food as I fed the dogs as to not be neglected. ~ Kay J.

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