Saturday, January 28, 2012

Paypal Instructions for Kindle Fire Raffle

To purchase a raffle ticket for the Kindle Fire through Paypal, please following the instructions below:

If you have a Paypal account:
Log into your Paypal account
Click on the "Send Money" tab
In the "Send Money" screen
Type in the Castaway Critters email address
Fill in the amount in the appropriate box
Click on the "Personal" Tab
Click the round button next to "gift"
Click "Continue"
On the next screen, review your selections
Scroll down to the "Email to Recipient" section
Change the subject line (if you'd like)
Enter a message (if you'd like) mentioning that you are buying raffle tickets
Click Submit

If you don't have a Paypal account
Go to
Click on "Send Money" (the second row of menu items)
Select "Send Money online"
Verify you are on the "personal" tab
On the right hand side of the screen is a Send Money Now box
Select United States for the country
Enter the amount of money you want to send
Under "My Payment is for" select Friend/Family
Select "Continue"
In the "To" field enter the Castaway Critters email address
In the "From" field enter your email address
Click "Continue"
Enter all the required information on the next screen, plus your credit card or bank account information that you want to use to pay for the raffle tickets. This will also create a PayPal account for you.
Click "Agree and Create Account"

Thank you!

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