Friday, June 1, 2012

Sponsor a Castaway Critter

Sponsor a Pet: Be a Guardian Angel!

At some point every rescue or no-kill shelter is faced with the issue of what to do with long-term residents that have not been adopted.  Castaway Critters Pet Rescue knows what we have to do: continue to provide space, love and comfort for these special ones.  We will never turn our backs to them!  We love them and are committed to their well-being, but unfortunately money is in short supply.

Castaway Critters asks those of you who cannot bring a pet into your homes, or those whose homes are already filled with dogs and cats, to please sponsor one of our long-term animals. Sponsorship can be a one-time or monthly donation. Either way, you will be helping Castaway Critters Pet Rescue provide for lovable companion animals who can really use your support.

Click here to become a Sponsor.

Email us for more information!

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