Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Cat with Feline Leukemia

Leo had just a brief stay at the shelter before a truly wonderful home was located for this leukemia positive cat. He is now named Suede and you can tell from his picture that he is quite happy and relaxed. He shares a large and lovely home with other seriously compromised cats, most suffering from feline leukemia. His caregiver has devoted her life to providing hospice care to these 'unadoptable' kitties. She knows they often have very short lives, only months sometimes, so she has created an environment that gives them 'heaven on earth'. Most important of all, she LOVES them! We were so fortunate to find this sanctuary for our boy and while his caregiver wishes to remain anonymous, we all honor her. Very few people can offer this kind of care and deal with the emotional impact of losing them. Suede, for however long he lives, can enjoy a quality life with lots of love.

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