Due to the current economic situation, Michael and Adeana Ruback decided to open a free pet food bank for families that are financially unable to feed their pets. Without this assistance, some of these people would be forced to surrender their pets to shelters or animal control -- or possibly decide to just set them loose to fend for themselves. When a person calls CCPR to inquire about surrendering an animal because of lack of money for food, Michael and Adeana provide canned food, dry food and even cat litter. The food they receive is graciously donated to the food bank by CCPR through the food donation containers at Ingles in Hiawassee and Blairsville. Donations also come from various other sources and if the need arises, Michael and Adeana buy it themselves. Once in a while a recipient of food assistance will give a check for whatever amount they can afford, and this in turn is given back to CCPR.
Michael and Adeana also find out if the pets are spayed or neutered and if their rabies vaccination is current. If not, and it's because of a lack of money, they offer those services with the assistance of Logan's Run Rescue or North Georgia SPCA.
If you or someone you know has pets which they are struggling to feed -- and they live in Union, Towns, or Fannin Counties in Georgia or in Clay, Cherokee or Graham Counties in North Carolina -- please call CCPR at 706-781-3992.
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