- The most important first step is to be sure they are warm. Without the mother cats' body heat, newborns chill quickly and it's very difficult to bring their body temperatures up. Sadly, this often results in their death. Do NOT use heating pads to keep babies warm as they can cause burns. Best is a hot water bottle, or any disposable drink container, filled with hot water and wrapped in a towel.
- The next important thing to do is to feed them. Do not give them cow's milk! Kitten milk replacer is fine or they can tolerate goat's milk. This should be warmed and given to them with a kitten bottle, syringe or eye dropper. Kittens should take 1-2 ml of milk every two to three hours. They need frequent feedings day and night for the first two weeks. After that, you can then sleep through the night. Let the babies eat as much as they want; they will let you know when they are satisfied.
- They also need to be 'pottied' by stimulating the genital area with a warm cloth or cotton ball after each feeding. Their mother would normally do this for them.
Once you have seen to these immediate needs, if you don't think you can foster the little ones, call Castaway Critters at 706-781-3992 and we can arrange for foster care.
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