Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy Tails - Winky

Happy Tails

Winky aka GraceWe got this update through our Facebook page: Hi!! I just adopted the most amazing cat ever and I believe she was born in your shelter! I wanted to give you an update on her if this is in fact the shelter our angel Winky was born at. We took her home on 5/4 and from the very minute she stepped out of the crate she was home. We renamed her Grace because we felt it was a name that suited her personality so well. We have a house with another cat named Jack and a dog named Molly. We also have 2 children. Grace is perfect with the kids. Some friends have already visited to say hi to Grace and she was a perfect little lady!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking such wonderful care of our sweet girl for us until God lead us to her. She is an absolute perfect fit for our family and we are so in love with her!! 

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