Saturday, May 19, 2012

Many Hands Make Light Work

Many Hands Make Light Work
reaching outCCPR is a volunteer-run organization, literally. Other than a few paid employees to keep the shelters clean, everything else that occurs in relation to CCPR happens because a volunteer did it. All of the pet adoption events, community night dinners, fashion shows, golf tournaments, yard sales, trips to the vets, dog walking, paying bills, picking up supplies, social media outreach -- this newsletter -- everything you can think of is organized and run by volunteers who care deeply for all of the castaway critters that come under our guardianship.
But don't be fooled. We always welcome -- and need -- more volunteers! 
Remember "Many hands make light work": It doesn't matter how much time you can donate because every little bit helps. There are many ways in which you can assist us in addition to what is mentioned above. If there is something you specialize in which you believe will benefit CCPR and you're willing to offer your expertise… please do! 
Volunteering is a great way to make friends with other animal lovers and to know you're making a difference in the lives of unwanted animals… until they find forever homes. 
To join our team, please email us or call 706-781-3992 -- you don't have to be local!

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